Beautiful Lies Read online

Page 14

  From somewhere in the woods, an animal howled, and then there was the crunch of leaves under something’s feet.

  Lilly pushed me off her. “Do me here? I don’t think so.”

  If I had any chance of getting me some woodland pussy, it was out of the question now. Smokey the Bear had seen to that.

  The ride was short to Cam’s mountain hideaway. As soon as we entered, Cam pulled me through the darkness of the living room. He turned on a small lamp with a dull bulb that was about to extinguish at any moment.

  “Have a seat while I start the fire,” he said.

  “I thought you already did that,” I said as I sat and coyly spread my legs. As Cam lit the fireplace, I looked around the room. It was a traditional log cabin filled to the brim with hunting trophies, handmade furniture, and a furry rug right in front of the fireplace.

  How corny. But it works for me.

  I got up and went to Cam’s bookcase. The Republic, Scientific Farm Animal Production, Smith and Roberson’s Business Law, and a hefty collection of The Boondocks. Cam most certainly was eclectic if nothing else. I then turned my attention back to him. His darkened silhouette stood against the blazing fire—long, lean, serpentine. He turned and strode toward me full of power and vigor. I trembled as goose bumps erupted through my skin. But he stopped before he reached me.

  “Take off your clothes,” Cam said with authority. Tonight he was the boss and wanted to be a voyeur. I loved it when he took control; that drove me absolutely wild. I was willing to do anything he asked.

  “Whatever you want,” I said.

  “Don’t talk unless I tell you to.”

  I did as I was told and wondered what was next. Was Cam just going to take me? I moved my hand to my zipper and slowly brought it down. I had not worn any panties, so the top of my shaved pubes greeted him. Cam licked his lips and nodded his head, an order for me to continue. The boots were next. I sat on a large chair and vampishly bent over. I untied my boots at an excruciatingly slow speed. I saw Cam’s rock-hard dick pointed straight at me, long and thick.

  As I kicked the boots off, I aimed them at Cam. I was being naughty and trying to get in trouble. He shook his head and said, “You don’t want to do that. I’ll have to spank you. And I will leave you red and raw.”

  I shyly put my finger on the side of my mouth and gave him a “who, me?” look. I pulled off my jeans and spread my legs wide. Cam’s eyes squinted as he honed in on my love box. I then plunged two fingers all the way inside me and started thrusting them. I could see Cam’s shoulders heaving from his deep breaths, growing progressively more bothered.

  As my juices flowed more, sloshing sounds accompanied each probe of the masturbatory finger fuck. It was not only the masturbation making me hot. It was how Cam was looking at me—the way he was so intently focused on my throbbing pussy. He was consumed with it. Though he was in the prime power position, I was getting off on the tiniest bit of power I held at that moment. The power to totally captivate and mesmerize another human being.

  Cam could see that I was about to shatter myself with an orgasm. But he was not having that. He marched over and pulled my fingers out of my pussy. He then sucked the nectar off them. I was taken aback by the gusto he cleaned my fingertips with. When Cam was done, he promptly yanked off my sweater. Not bothering to unclasp the bra, he pulled down one of the lacy cups and bit down on my nipple. It hurt like hell. I collapsed deeper into the chair, overwhelmed by ecstasy and pain, weighted down by Cam’s massive dick resting on my fleshy pussy and stomach.

  “Just do it already,” I begged.

  “Not on your terms but mine.”

  Cam turned me around so that my belly was on the chair. My ass was exposed, and he slapped it incredibly hard a few times. I screamed with joyous agony as the sting sent pricks throughout the rest of my body. Cam relished the way he could see my cunt from the back in this doggie-style position.

  I suddenly got nervous. This was the way Sig did it, always from the back. I started to look back and ask Cam if we could do it some other way, but he moved my head back to the forward position. He thrust that dick into me with full power. I gasped as Cam’s tip hit a spot deep inside my honey pot. This had never happened with Sig. What was going on?

  As Cam pounded harder, waves of pleasure rippled through me. It felt so good that the moans stifled in my mouth. At the same time I felt a rush of fear surge through me. I mean it felt so fucking good; something just had to be wrong. I never gave credence to spontaneous combustion, but, Christ almighty, he was wreaking havoc with my pussy big time. Cam just kept on ramming with such confidence in his skills to take me there. Like a feline in heat, I arched my back and met him thrust for thrust. My wine flowed out of my goblet, cascading out of me and flowing down my inner thigh in a single creamy line.

  Cam leaned forward and pinched my nipple. His other hand found my clit. He squeezed and rubbed both until they were raw. It hurt like hell, but he knew that mixing agony with delight would overload my pleasure circuits. And it did. Cam kept me pinned down and was not giving me any leeway to assert myself, making sure I knew I was his submissive. Fully in control, he continued to dive deep into my inner realm. My pussy tightened around his gigantic cock as I felt a sudden urge to bear down around it. I was thankful we were in the woods because of the stupendously loud moans escaping from my mouth.

  “Jesus, Cam, I’m…I’m…I’m cumming,” I said as I came hard. In fact, I came so hard that my contractions pushed his dick right out of me. I collapsed to the floor, totally spent.

  “Sorry,” I apologized with a sheepish grin. Cam did not smile back. His face showed his determination to be satisfied.

  “You may be done, but I’m not,” Cam said. He then put my legs in an open position and stood on his knees in between. He took both my hands and wrapped them around his dick— which seemed to have grown inexplicably larger—then slid them up and down. It was still coated by the thick lubrication gifted from my cunt. I really did need two hands to handle that long, thick beast. I was prone on the floor, and, from above, it looked like a girthy pipe. It took much effort to traverse its awesome length. I was exhausted from the love that Cam had just given me and had to use the last bit of my energy to jerk him off. Hand over hand, I tugged up the shaft with alternating constricting and contracting movements. On the down strokes, I bottle-capped it with twisting movements. Cam steadied himself by placing his hands on my bent knees.

  “You like that?” I asked, watching his head rear back a bit.

  “Aw, shit, yeah. You’re the best,” Cam said. He rocked his body between my thighs in sync with my hand strokes. Then Cam let out a grunt as he bucked and seized. He drew in a breath through his clenched teeth. Like from a pressurized water hose, hot cum shot all over my chest and stomach—the milk of the gods. Cam’s release seemed to go on forever and wore him out. He sprawled on my stomach, totally drained of his fluids. He was so wasted that he did not mind that he was lying in his own cum.

  Nor did I care about the drying love juice cementing us together. I looked down at Cam and stroked the top of his head. I finally had the lover I could only previously dream about. If bliss could be manifest in the physical world, surely this was it. For that moment in time, I had no crazy past, and Sig did not exist. Cam and I were engulfed in a happiness that expanded the boundaries of earth, space, and time. I truly believed that all was right in the world, that nothing bad could ever happen again.

  Boy, was I wrong.

  The sound of water pellets hitting the tiled shower roused me from a deep and restful sleep. With a wide stretch, I looked over to the other side of the bed for my beloved. Cam was not there, though he had left behind a crumple of white linen and a pillow that still had the faint indent of his head.

  I found myself blushing and giggling as memories of the night’s lovemaking came to mind. My hand stroked the folds and peaks where Cam’s spectacular body had slumbered peacefully next to me. Wanting more, I leaned over and sniffed the s
cent he had marked the bed with. It was musky, mixed with his darkly scented cologne. I then happened to notice steam wafting from under the bathroom door like a dense fog rolling in. Propping myself up on my elbows, I stared at the door for a moment, contemplating whether or not to join him in the shower.

  The light from Cam’s phone broke my train of thought. The irritating call notification light kept blinking. Shit, that motherfucking phone had been receiving calls all night long. Cam tried to be discreet and not bring attention to it by putting the phone on mute at first, not wanting to turn it all the way off just in case the office called. But the phone just would not stop vibrating. Every time it did, Cam looked at it, and a severe frown would cross his face.

  Now I was alone with Cam’s phone. I really did not want to be nosy and violate his trust, but I did wonder why Wotherspoon and Associates would keep calling him in the wee hours of the night. Innocently, I picked up Cam’s phone with every intention of not prying, just taking it to the bathroom and letting him deal with it. But as soon as I picked it up, a frosty shiver went down my spine. My alter ego suddenly woke up and prodded me to have a look-see.

  I looked at the door and listened hard, making sure Cam was still showering. I swiped the phone’s screen and saw that he had eighty-six missed calls and fifty-two texts. I swiped the screen again to see who was making these incessant calls. As I scrolled down, only one name popped up: Becky.

  Who the fuck is fucking Becky? Okay, calm down. Becky must be a secretary or another lawyer at the firm. She needed to get in contact with Cam about a case. Yeah, that’s what this shit right here is about.

  That is what I told myself. But my alter ego materialized, smacking on gum and chewing on a toothpick at the same time. She told me that this whole situation reeked of donkey shit and that I had better get to the bottom of this Becky mess. I had to make it fast, though. The water from the shower had been cut off, which meant I only had a few minutes to read the texts. Of course, all of the texts were from Becky, and the last one said, “Fuck you.” That was definitely not from a secretary or fellow coworker. I kept reading, and from what I could deduce, Cam had been in a longstanding relationship with Becky, and she wanted to know where the fuck he was.

  I could not believe it. Cam was dicking around on me? Yeah, I had another man, but at least Cam knew about him. He was keeping this Becky bitch a secret. How shady was that? And she was not just some side piece; this was a relationship.

  That asshole.

  I hopped out of bed and marched over to the bathroom. I was so pissed that it did not even occur to me to put on some clothes. I thought about kicking the door open like I had seen on “Cops,” but I was not about to break my foot. How would I explain that shit to Sig? I took a breath and opened the door as calmly as I could. But I was so stoked up with adrenaline that my hand was shaking. I boldly entered, mad-dogging my face. Cam threw me off guard when I saw his naked body glistening under the incandescent glare of the track lights.

  “Hey, sexy lady. I see you finally decided to wake up,” he said, none the wiser. He stood there all Adonis-like with that crooked smile. I gulped as I gawked at him pat drying his smooth, olive skin. I actually had to make myself remember why I was in there in the first place and refocus on getting into his ass. I thrust the phone in front of me.

  “What the shit is this, Cam?”

  “A phone,” he responded, halfway confused and halfway snarky.

  “Yeah, I know that motherfucking shit.” I swiped the phone and showed him the detailed account of texts and calls from Becky. “Who the hell is Becky?”

  I went on a major tirade, spewing accusations like a lunatic. Cam did not belittle himself to join my whirlwind of volatile emotion. I wanted a response. Anything. A yell. Some curse words. Even a smack. I was used to those and knew how to deal with them. Silence was something I was ill equipped to handle. I just kept on screaming at Cam, trying to get some reaction out of him, and I finally did. He reached the limits of his tolerance and snatched his phone from me. Glaring, Cam said, “Let’s not even get into why you are fucking with my phone, invading my privacy.”

  “Seriously! I just caught you and your nasty-ass girlfriend. And you have the nerve to talk to me about privacy. How long have you been involved with her?” My alter ego was cheering me on as she was air boxing.

  “No, no, it’s not about that, Lilly. The fact that you have the gall to come in here and go off on me is the problem. It did not cross your mind to ask me about it first. You just jumped to conclusions and came in here with guns blazing. I don’t need this from you. I thought you left that shit at Sig’s house.”

  Cam retained his dignity by putting on some boxers and returning to his self-possessed way of being. He walked right past me, refusing to stoop to my infantile level. I, on the other hand, was not done yet and was not about to let him get away without an explanation. I grabbed Cam by his arm. He looked down at his arm, up at my face, and then back down to his arm like I had lost my ever-loving mind. And I had.

  Fuck that. Cam is not going to pull some kind of mind-fuck shit on me. Not today, buddy.

  “Let me go,” Cam snarled through his teeth.

  “No, Cam. You will tell me who she is. I have a right to know.”

  He shook my hand off his arm. I trailed behind him as he went to his drawer for a sweater and a pair of jeans. Cam looked at me with what my alter ego registered as disgust.

  “Look at you,” he said. “You look ridiculous, standing there butt naked, arguing about some messages on my phone. A phone you had no business looking at in the first place.”

  I must admit I did look rather silly, all riled up in the middle of a log cabin with no clothes on. I was trying to put Cam on the spot when, in reality, I put myself in the vulnerable position. I tried to save face by putting my hands on my hips as if I did not care. “Don’t change the subject, Cam. Who is she?”

  Cam tossed one of his shirts at me. “Get dressed. As for Becky, I really don’t owe you an explanation—especially in light of your childish behavior. But I’ll tell you anyway. Becky… yeah, I’ve known her for a while. She was just someone I hung out with.”

  “Someone you fucked.”

  “Yeah, most definitely. I fucked her. I fucked her a lot. It was purely sexual. I had no real feelings for her.”

  “I read the texts, Cam. It was not just sex.”

  “Not to her. For me it was just a thing. That’s why I haven’t mentioned Becky. She was never that important to me. Not now, not ever. The only woman I cared about was you. And now look at us. I thought you and I had something special here. But you are showing me a side of you I did not know existed. And I don’t like it.”

  Suddenly I could not breathe. This was that moment I was dreading. That moment of rejection like I had gone through so many times before. I could feel a panic attack coming on. I did not want to take the drugs. However, if I did not get some Xanax in me, I was going to have a nervous breakdown right in front of Cam. If that happened there would be no chance of recovery. He would be gone forever.

  I rushed over to my purse and swiftly took out a couple of Xanax. I gulped them down while Cam watched in shock for a few seconds. Then he stormed over to my purse and spilled its contents on the bed. He surveyed the pharmacy of prescription drugs it had hidden inside.

  “Sig told me you had some issues, but I thought you were over it,” he said, disheartened.

  I dropped my head in shame, not knowing how to explain my angst to him. I did not expect someone as strong as Cameron Sterling to understand. He just shook his head as he processed the discovery he made about me. However, the disappointed expression on his face softened. It was being morphed by compassion.

  Cam picked up a bottle of Xanax. “Is this who you think you are? Is this who you want to be?”

  “No. I’ve tried so hard to shake it. But I can’t get it out of my mind.” I put my head in my hands to hide from Cam. There was no makeup, high fashion, or façade I could disappe
ar behind. I could not bear for him to see the damaged essence of the real me.

  Cam gently turned my face toward his. “I know you believe that there is something intrinsically wrong with you. But that is not true. This hurt woman is not who you really are—scared, acting out the only way she can. I look into your eyes and see the same look that I saw in my mother’s eyes. She could have wound up like you if she had not been killed. Tell me who hurt you so badly. Who stole your joy?”

  I did not want to tell Cam the truth. I did not want to hear it myself. But I could not stop the purge my emotional stomach vomited. “My dad…he did it. He had a thing for children, a preference, you could say. He indulged in his sickness for years before I was born. He did not pursue me at first. I guess he didn’t want to shit where he slept. He was content with molesting other people’s kids. Instead he abused me in other ways. Anything he could get his hands on—belts, extension cords, hot irons, bricks, you name it. I knew that was just a weird way for him to sublimate his repressed sexual desire for me and that one day he would come after me for real.”

  I could see the normally collected Cam squirm ever so slightly as I recounted my life to him.

  Taking a cleansing breath, I said, “When puberty hit, that’s when things changed. He finally made his move in the middle of a summer night. I fought him off the best I could. I had to. I know she heard the commotion coming from my room, but my mother was pathetic. I’m not blaming her. At this point she had been beaten down by my father physically and spiritually. That day, when I rebuffed dad’s advances, he knew he could not have me like that. He decided to inflict more terror upon me, thereby ensuring I would never tell anyone our secret. After the attack, he hung me out of a window and threatened that if I ever told anyone, he would kill my mother. I was mad at Mom for not sticking up for me, but I did not want to see her harmed. I kept my mouth shut.

  “Then the drugs came. I did it all thinking they were some kind of saviors. I’d try anything to make me forget how my father looked at me…that lustful look in his eyes. I believed his declaration that I was nothing and that no one would ever want me in that way except him. It took a lot of drugs to cloud Father’s words, and I ended up in rehab. The best thing really. I got clean and entered a couple of modeling competitions. I was applauded for my looks, and I liked it. I left California as fast as I could. I dropped anything in my personality that connected me to California and became reborn. But you can never escape your history, not really, not ever. So the person you know, the one that everyone knows, was born out of pain.”